Lego Star Wars: Complete Saga Review – DS

October 4, 2008

Lego Star Wars Complete Saga is NOT a good game.  If you’ve played Lego Star Wars 1 on Xbox you do not want Complete Saga for DS.  The levels were the EXACT SAME levels for the Xbox and the graphics and the Lego movement were horrible unlike Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy, that game was pretty good And just remember  Original Trilogy good Complete Saga bad.

Rating: 0 out of 5

-Princess Peach

Mario vs DonkeyKong 2 Review – DS

September 28, 2008

Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 is a pretty bad game, I thought the same as other people that did not read about it at all,  I thought that it would be something like Super Mario Brothers….TOTALLY WRONG.  What you do is, is click on this little robot and try to navigate though villains.  And you can’t control it.  Anyway  NOT a good game.

Rating: 1 out of 5

New Super Mario Brothers Review – DS

September 26, 2008

Super Mario Brothers is a game you must have no matter what.  It’s one of the best games I have ever played.  There are TONS of stuff to do, like playing levels trying to beat the main boss or play minigames with friends.  And like Super Princess Peach you have to collect items. I find Super Mario Brothers a really great game that every body should have.

Rating: 5 out of 5

-Princess Peach

Mario Kart Review – DS

September 25, 2008

Mario Kart is a game that you can beat quickly.  Though the maps, karts and characters were wonderfully designed. There are battle modes that you can play with friends.  It gets more fun the more maps you unlock of course, but once you’ve beat all of them they get really really boring.  Though you can advance to a higher level of racing at any part of the game.  All in all it’s a pretty good game.

Rating:2 out of 5

-Princess Peach

Lego Batman Review – DS

September 25, 2008

I thought Lego Batman was a decent game.  The levels weren’t all that fun.  It might become more fun if you are a big batman fan, but I didn’t like it that much.  It was really hard to collect engines/treasures, you had to get 5 little canisters to get one engine.  But its not the worst game in the world. I think some people would have more fun with it then others.

Rating:3 out of 5

-Princess Peach

Wario Master of Disguise Review – DS

September 1, 2008

Wario Master of Disguise is one of the worst games I have ever played.  I didn’t even have to finish the first level to know, and it’s definitely not one of those games that you learn to like either.  It didn’t explain how to play that clearly, and the story was terrible! They used an idea from Super Princess Peach, instead of a talking umbrella they had a talking wand.  The monsters are ridiculous!  Anyway DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!  

Rating: 0 out of 5

                                                                                            -Princess Peach

Super Princess Peach Review – DS

September 1, 2008

Super Princess Peach is something that is hard not to like . I would not recommend it to boys but every princess peach fan would love it. There are 8 worlds, and at the last level of each world there’s a main boss.  If you beat it, you advance to the next world. You can buy potions to give you  more health and power, and you can unlock mini-games and music. And just like Super Mario Brothers, you have to find and collect items.  You have to find all of the items (Toadstools) to be able to fight the last boss.   I find Super Princess Peach a really enjoyable game for all fans.

Rating: 5 out of 5

-Princess Peach

Indiana Jones Legos Review – DS

September 1, 2008

I thought Indiana Jones Legos was really exciting and something you couldn’t stop playing. It’s still fun even when you beat the game (i even got it twice! FYI not fun the second time) because you have to get all the characters to build your own ultimate character. The levels are a lot like the movies. You can buy extras and mini-games.  I would recommend Indiana Jones Legos for all ages.

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.    

                                                                    -Princess Peach

Princess Peach’s Blog

September 1, 2008

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