Mario Kart Review – DS

Mario Kart is a game that you can beat quickly.  Though the maps, karts and characters were wonderfully designed. There are battle modes that you can play with friends.  It gets more fun the more maps you unlock of course, but once you’ve beat all of them they get really really boring.  Though you can advance to a higher level of racing at any part of the game.  All in all it’s a pretty good game.

Rating:2 out of 5

-Princess Peach

4 Responses to Mario Kart Review – DS

  1. Jessica says:

    Ok, can you tell me how to unlock the ?’s (more races) on the game? The book doesn’t say anything about it….thanks!

  2. Princess Peach says:

    Hi Jessica,

    Thanks for writing! Yeah I know, I was looking in the booklet to find out too. The way to unlock more races is getting in 1st and 2nd place in almost every race in that cup. Though it’s ok if you get in 1st 3 times and 2nd once. Though it would get you through a lot faster if you just get in 1st every race.

    Well, type me back if you have any more questions. Thanks! Bye!

    – Princess Peach

  3. Ellie says:

    I have mario kart and when i start a race all the computer characters zoom really fast and I either go up in smoke or start off really slow.
    Do you know how to get a boost like they do?

  4. Princess Peach says:

    I used to have the same problem… The first thing is don’t hold the speed button down… All you have to do is at the count down press the speed button to the numbers, like this…

    1 2 3
    (Press) stoooooop (Press) stoooop (Press) And you should get a boost, if you have any more problems feel free to ask =) Thanks again! -Princess Peach

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